Saturday, January 7, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 22: Learning new things


1. Learning new things every day is crucial to gradually upgrade yourself.

2. Learning new things doesn't drastically bring change or new look in a few days, it happens quietly.

3. When you look into yourself every day, nothing happens, but when you look back in longer time scale, you will be surprise at how far you go.

4. It takes 10.000 hours to be an expert of any fields, if you study and work and practice non-stop 10 hours a day, you need around 3 years to get to the advanced level.

5. If you do so, you might be collapsed in burned out before you reach to any higher milestone, so learn to take some rest is an important skill as well.

6. It's okay to not be able to learn some particular fields, like it's not so wise for a fish to strive to learn how to climb trees.

7. Understand your strength and weakness can boost up the learning process just by choosing the right path and method to go.

8. Human brains always work to protect ourselves from intimidating things, so do not set up a giant huge goal in short-term, it might eat you up faster than you think.

9. Instead, set a small bite-size goal to do every day, by the end of the day, you would feel happy and proud of yourself for completing all the tasks of the daily module.

10. That happiness and pride will generate more energy and motivation to go on and on till the day you achieve your final sweetest results.

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