Monday, December 26, 2022

30 day writing challenge - Day 10: fair or unfair?


1. This world is absolutely fair no matter it was in the past, it is at the present or it will be in the future.

2. Ones need to know what people did in their previous lives to understand why they encounter the current situation. It's karma.

3. People can't change what they did in the past but they can change what they are doing to improve their future.

4. That's okay to suffer now to minimize all the heavy karma ones created in the past.

5. Life changes when your attitude and actions change.

6. Change your life to the better or the worse, totally depends on what you do now.

7. Karma works everywhere no matter people believe it or not and it works like the law of attractions.

8. Nobody wants bad things happen in their life but they keep doing bad, because they don't understand karma.

9. You will attract what has similar frequency of energy vibrance with them.

10. If you want wonderful things happen in your life, create yourself a wonderful frequency by doing wonderful things first.

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