Friday, January 6, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 21: Hard working


1. Hard working is good, smart working is far better.

2. If you go home exhausted after 8 hours working for every 5 days, you probably not in a wealthy state in term of finance situation.

3. If you're exhausted after work everyday  and still feel it's normal, maybe you're destined to be an employee.

4. If you feel happy to work exhaustedly everyday, you might need a doctor's help.

5. If you are not happy with your job for a long time then it's quite obvious you have chosen a wrong career.

7. If you want to have a happy healthy life, changing your current job should be considered.

8. Carefully plan your strategy to have a transition as smooth as possible.

9. If you are not a risk taker to drastically change your career, that's okay.

10. Let happiness lead your way, you  always deserve it.

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