Thursday, October 5, 2023


coffee shop


Khi bắt đầu khởi nghiệp, bạn sẽ gặp rất nhiều những khó khăn, và bạn cần sự giúp đỡ, chắc chắn rồi. Câu hỏi triệu đô là, ai là người giúp đỡ bạn ở buổi ban đầu non nớt ấy?

Số người muốn thấy bạn thành công giàu có trên đời này chỉ đếm trên đầu ngón tay, số người muốn thấy bạn thành công hơn họ, giàu có hơn họ lại càng ít ỏi. Không ai sai cả, chỉ là cấu tạo tư duy đầu óc một người bình thường là như vậy, con người luôn muốn đạt tới đỉnh cao, nơi chỉ có mình là cao nhất, hơn nhất, đương nhiên, bạn hơn họ thì họ vui sao nổi.

Đừng trách ai cả, vì có khi, khi bạn được họ nhờ giúp đỡ để họ thành công giàu có, tâm trạng của bạn cũng như họ bây giờ thôi.

Giả sử bạn khởi nghiệp một quán cà phê, ngày đầu chẳng có khách hàng, bạn bèn nhờ anh chị em bạn bè cô dì chú bác đến, nhưng sự thực là, số người đến ủng hộ bạn hiếm hoi rất nhiều so với kỳ vọng. Hãy nhớ, biết ơn những người đến với bạn, thật lòng ủng hộ chúc phúc bạn, còn những người không đến? Không sao cả, nếu như trước đó họ gửi bạn một lời hứa "sẽ đến" thì hãy coi họ như những khách hàng tiềm năng. Ở tình huống này, bạn giận bạn dỗi bạn tức tối là bạn thiệt, hãy hiểu cách thế giới xã hội vận hành, vui vẻ chấp nhận, đón nhận, làm chủ nó và tìm cách khiến nó có lợi cho mình.

Đối với những khách hàng tiềm năng ấy, phải vui vẻ đon đả mời chào một lần, hai lần, ba lần, nhiều lần như những anh em telesale chuyên nghiệp, nhưng đừng làm phiền làm họ cáu, đừng làm lố khiến họ nghĩ bạn mời mọc chỉ để tăng doanh số bán hàng, dù thực tế là như vậy đi nữa cũng đừng lộ ra. Mời họ đến với tâm chân thành nhất, đối với người có thiện chí, chắc chắn sẽ vì nhiệt thành của bạn mà đến.

Một lần nữa, hãy ghi nhớ, tất cả những người bạn bè anh chị em cô dì chú bác đến ủng hộ bạn, dù là ngày đầu tiên hay một ngày nào đó trong tương lai, đều là những người đáng trân trọng và biết ơn, dù nhiều dù ít.

Sáng nay bố tôi bảo, có hai thứ từ trên trời rơi xuống: nước mưa và cứt chim. Đúng thế thật. Tất cả đều phải nhờ nỗ lực của bản thân, may mắn và phước báu để thành công. 

Bây giờ bạn muốn tìm được 100 khách hàng đầu tiên, thường là phải dựa vào các mối quan hệ có sẵn rồi mở rộng dần tệp khách hàng, vì vậy khách hàng của bạn, dù muốn dù không, quá nửa là đến từ những người bạn đó. Hãy biết ơn họ, cảm ơn họ mỗi ngày.

Monday, January 16, 2023

30 day writing challenge and more - Day 30 + 1: making decisions


1. Sometimes we have to make a tough decision which one to choose, which one not to choose.

2. If all the needed resources are abundant, then economics doesn't exist.

3. No matter who we are, what background of our families, we all have limitation which is our life time.

4. There are only 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 30 days a month, 12 months a year, only we don't know how many years we have for this life.

5. Understand our limitation, can save you a lot of time and energy.

6. Understand your priority in this limited life is crucial to make right decision.

7. The way you spend your day, which task you do first, which one you do later, show a clear picture of your priority.

8. Try to do good deeds every so that everything would be in your favour. It's make your life much easier.

9. Some decisions we have to do quick, but some decisions we have to think carefully.

10. Not choosing anything is also an option. Don't try to avoid tough decision by ignoring.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 30: sleeping

 1. Sleeping is an efficient yet important way to recover the body and soul.

2. Sleepy is a sign of needing more rest or you are a little too lazy.

3. Sleeping is to calm your nerve

4. Sleeping is a good way to get into theta where you can reprogram your subconsciousness in a better way.

5. Sleeping is to get in touch with your dream.

6.  Sleepy very often shows you might be too tirel.

7. Sleeping is meditation while lying down.

8. Sleeping refills back your enegy.

9. Everybody is equally the same when they sleeping.

10. Sleeping is to release you from being sleepy. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 29: Giving


1. Giving is earning, the more you give the more you earn.

2. Giving is the fastest way to get wealthy in long term

3. Giving knowledge, you get wisdom.

4. Giving inner assets like blood, kidneys, marrow or other body organs..., you get long healthy life.

5. Giving outer assets like money, houses, cars, valuables, you get rich fulfilled life.

6. Giving sympathy, appease people to ease their pain, you get comfortable, safe and sound life.

7. Be grateful when people accept your giving because they help you cultivate more merit and virtue.

8. Giving is a nice way to practice renunciation.

9. Giving generates the vibration of fullness.

10. Giving creates the aura of compassion.

Friday, January 13, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 28: Random thoughts

 1. It would be magnificent if everything could be done automatically.

2. Smart people are often lazy, because they work smartly efficient in the shortest amount of time possible.

3. Work hard people are often good employees who don't get paid the highest in working place, smart people do.

4. Imagination could create a lot of wonderful creative things in real life.

5. If you work hard everyday and generate nothing, you would be often forgotten. Final working products count.

6. Creativity makes this life more colorful.

7. It's okay to wait for the universe's sign to act.

8. Avoid dramas at all costs.

9. Try your best to accomplish anything you start, make it your inherent habit.

10. This world would be a much better place when everybody simply just sits down and do nothing.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 27: Dream

 1. This life is a big dream. Nothing is real, nothing lasts forever.

2. People get affected too much by emotions which are also unreal.

3. People are happy or not totally depends on how they think and act.

4. Keep your own energy as pure as possible.

5. Avoid negative sources of energy at all costs especially when you easily get manipulated by them.

6. Life is hard because you have the same energy frequency with difficulty.

7. We are all dreaming, why not dream a sweet dream?

8. Every time, you find yourself get angry, sad, disappointed or all kinds of negative energies, do the "I'm sorry, I forgive, I love, I'm grateful"  ritual.

9. When you could smash the Empty Space into pieces, you would wake up from your dream.

10. Try hard to wake up, sleep too much makes you sink deeper in dream by dream.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 26: School


1. Schools teach you basic knowledge from ancient which might not be so useful in real life.

2. Knowledge in schools is not always up to date.

3. It's very common when students throw almost all the knowledge they have acquired from school after graduate and get a real job.

4. Schools are good environment for kids to interact with one another as a trial period before getting into real adult life.

5. Even a worst student can acquire a lot from school, he might not understand the knowledge but he might have a faint idea about how to avoid or cope with troubles, how painful a punishment would be, or how tough this life could be.

6. Schools are the place a kid see himself and his friends grow up, chances are he can meet his best friends, his crushes, his loves or his worst competitors.

7. Schools are the place miracle happens when a student understand himself, what subjects he loves, what he doesn't, his strengths and his weaknesses, which is very crucial to make decision for the next periods of life.

8. Schools with all the tests might be a nightmare in people's childhood but sweet hilarious memories when they grow old.

9. Teachers at school might be saints or evils it depends on their teaching and controlling methods, but everybody should always show respect to all of them.

10. Schools might not help everybody successful and wealthy but it's a necessary solid ground to step into real world.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 25: Social media


1. Social media is a new environment to run your business, to spread your products to the world, to get popular, to teach, to learn, to communicate with other people.

2. Social media is your diary which you can choose to let everyone know your story.

3. Social media is the place to show off your appearance, your achievement and success.

4, Social media is a new drug, people spend more and more time on it.

5. Social media can change people's lives for the better or the worse in a very diversified way,

6. Social media controls and possess huge amount of personal deepest data which is very scary.

7. Social media has the most state-of-the-art tracking to retain customers longer.

8. Social media upgrades every single day to make user interface pretty which is very hard to  put it down,

9. 3 hours surfing one particular social media is felt quicker than normal 3 hours.

10. Be disciplined when using social media, set specific an amount of time to use and not to use.

Monday, January 9, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 24: Hanging out


1. Hanging out with people who share the same values with you.

2. Hanging out with people from whom you can learn useful skills.

3. Hanging out with people who act more than speak.

4. Hanging out with people who have open-minded.

5. Hanging out with people who like sharing their trustworthy knowledge and experience.

6. Hanging out with people who have positive energy.

7. Hanging out with people who have optimistic mindsets.

8. Hanging out with people who are say nothing but attentively listen .

9. Hanging out with people who make you become better.

10. Hanging out with people who you can genuinely trust and pour out your deepest secrets.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

30 day writing challenge - Day 23: Cleaning


1. Cleaning is organizing every thing and it's also time to organize your brain relaxingly.

2. Cleaning is when everybody can connect while doing things together.

3. Cleaning is the opportunity to assess what you have and not use, what you should keep and what you can give away.

4. Cleaning is when you realize that clear things up may be more difficult than buy new things.

5. Cleaning is when you keep counting just to figure out that the number of unused things is bigger than the number of frequently used ones.

6. Cleaning material things might be not a simple task, cleaning your mind is absolutely a complicated mission.

7. People might have a clean tidy house but still have a messy dusty mind.

8. Cleaning your house is important, cleaning your mind and your soul is much more crucial.

9. Cleaning your house can be done once a week, cleaning your mind should be done every single second.

10. It takes a few days to clean all around your house, and it takes a whole life to clean your mind. Spend more time on it.